A native of Sooranad of Kerala. Born 1940, Born again in 1954, baptized in 1957. In 1958 he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues. He received his master's degree from the University of Kerala and his doctorate in theology from the Bible Seminary in the United States. Became a teacher in 1960 and still taught high school at age 80 to spend on evangelistic work. Since 2006, he has served as the International President of Sunday Schools Networks International (SSNI). Many countries provide the best Sunday school textbooks available in English today. In 1972, Dr. Joseph was one of the first to write a Sunday school book for the IPC. He travelled in 51 countries on 6 continents. This book is the nectar drawn from the depths of his knowledge. The book has been translated into more than 11 languages and distributed to hundreds of thousands of readers.

Wife: Thankamma.

Children: Beana, Rachel, Sharon.

Living in America for 50 years.

Email: drijoseph@aol.com

Ph: +1 404 680 3114 (USA), +91 82 81 84 22 22 (IND)

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